Photography is such an incredible process to have found; a part of my life from early on, I moved on from the requisite pinhole camera in high school, left behind me the Kodak Brownie cameras for 35 mm, finally moving up to a SLR, the workhorse, Pentax K1000, and then there was … digital photography. Darkroom work has been important for me, likewise recording all the technical details of my shots and then the work for processing and printing.
Now, I am so pleased to have been accepted into the Latow Photography Guild at the Art Gallery of Burlington in 2018, and to be surrounded with other people passionate about photography. Last year I started putting work into juried shows, open shows, and joined a number of arts organizations. This year I have joined Beaux Arts Gallery and the Headwaters Arts group. I continue to participate in various shows and events.
We see with our eyes and hearts and then need to share with it others.